Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Indonesian Hot Girls - Happy New Year 2009

Happy new year 2009, hopefully in the new year better than the previous year.
and the world more peaceful, and no more war, which always shed blood, natural beauty intact as the image below :

Megumi Fujii

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And continuing with the policy of Asian fitness women from all walks of life, today we have Megumi Fujii.
"Mega Megu" was born on April 26, 1974 in Okayama Prefecture, Japan.
She is considered one of the best female MMA fighters in the world.
And why not?
She got her martial arts training from Hiroyuki Abe and Josh Barnett.
Megumi has 16 wins (13 by submission, 3 by decision) and no losses.
Her first MMA fight was against Yumi Matsumoto on August 5th, 2004 at the Smackgirl - Holy Land Triumphal Return event. Megumi won by submission 40 seconds into the first round!
She also trained fellow MMA fighter Hitomi Akano (14-5)
You can visit her website at

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The aircraft was full of the story

In the year 2008 is my offer to make the original fans of women india several photos on the behavior of a stewardess from the airline, while their activities do not exist ....
hhmmm.... safely enjoy ...!!!

Brenda Kelly

Brenda Kelly - fitness women - fitness beauty - fitness models female

Brenda Michiko Kelly was born on January 15th, 1959 (that's right,1959!) in Honolulu Hawaii.
Her mother is Japanese, and her father is Dutch/English.
Brenda has held titles in:
The 2000 International Fitness Pro
The 2000 ESPN2 Series (swimsuit round 1st)
The 1998 NPC Northwest Women's Fitness
National Aerobic Championships (solo and mixed pairs)

Besides all that she is a fitness director, Polynesian dancer/teacher, international fitness magazine cover model, actress and a published writer.
You can visit her website here:

Brenda Kelly, posted to on 12-30-2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

ARTICLE - Cases of Household

Many wives do not climax with the husband ...

The above statement is not a regular news ... Here's 5 seksolog leading from Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Bali to give opinions (from the magazine quoted Kartini)

Dr. Naek L. Tobing (Jakarta)

"In doing sex according to her, must consider two important issues, including fondling and when that relationship. But that is not easy to have sex that can reach peak enjoyment. According to her, from the patients about 40-50% pair confess never get satisfaction. .. "

( "Dalam melakukan hubungan seks menurutnya, harus memperhatikan dua hal penting, yaitu cumbuan dan saat melakukan hubungan itu. Namun tak semudah itu melakukan hubungan seks yang bisa mencapai puncak kenikmatan. Menurutnya, dari pasiennya sekitar 40-50% pasangan mengaku tak pernah mendapatkan kepuasan..." )

Dr.. Boyke Dian Nugraha, Sp.OG, MARS (Jakarta)

"Women can achieve sexual satisfaction when the partner can provide a sense of comfort when the relationship was intimate. Emotional factor, enough foreplay and intimate feel that is more important than just the style and techniques ..."

( "Wanita baru bisa mencapai kepuasan seksual bila pasangannya dapat memberikan rasa nyaman saat melakukan hubungan intim itu. Faktor emosi, foreplay yang cukup dan rasa intim itu lebih penting dari pada sekedar gaya dan teknik..." )

Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS (Bali)

"When you pair experienced Erectile Dysfunction, and the pair then you will have problems achieving sexual satisfaction. This is the cause of the many women felt ... Only 33% of men satisfied with the degree of violence ereksi it. Meanwhile, as many as 67% confess they can not always ereksi reach. The more the man who can not afford pro ereksi with a maximum of more and more women who are also not savor the satisfaction ...."

( "Bila pasangan anda mengalami disfungsi ereksi, maka anda dan pasangan akan mengalami masalah pencapaian kepuasan seksual. Inilah penyebab yang banyak dirasakan wanita...Hanya 33% pria yang merasa puas dengan kadar kekerasan ereksinya. Sementara sebanyak 67% mengaku mereka tidak selalu dapat mencapai ereksi. Semakin banyak pria yang tidak mampu berereksi dengan maksimal makin banyak pula wanita yang merasa tidak mengecap kepuasan...." )

Dr. Dicky Mochamad Rizal, MKes, SpAnd (Yogyakarta)

"Many women who have experienced sexual dissatisfaction problems, because it also depends on the satisfaction ereksi. Unfortunately, some couples, especially men, not infrequently use strong drugs that are sold freely. The sexual problems and Erectile Dysfunction is a problem that must be sought is the primary cause .."

( "Banyak wanita yang mengalami masalah ketakpuasan seksual, karena kepuasan itu juga tergantung ereksi. Sayangnya, beberapa pasangan terutama pria tak jarang menggunakan obat kuat yang dijual secara bebas. Padahal masalah seksual dan disfungsi ereksi adalah permasalahan yang harus dicari penyebab primernya.." )

Dr.dr. Hudi Winarso, M. Kes, SpAnd (Surabaya)

"The women do not experience sexual satisfaction on the first five years her wedding. There are many factors it. Women are still ashamed pitch conditions culture, fear, fear and the like. After five years then the two other problems emerged, including a husband ereksi interference, which makes can not afford to make the optimal penetration. This is the cause of dissatisfaction and the pair itself ... "

( "Para wanita tidak merasakan kepuasan seksual pada lima tahun pertama pernikahannya. Ada banyak faktornya. Wanita masih terkondisi budaya malu, takut-takut dan sejenisnya. Setelah lima tahun kedua barulah masalah lain muncul, di antaranya suami mengalami gangguan ereksi, yang membuatnya tak mampu melakukan penetrasi secara optimal. Inilah penyebab ketakpuasan pasangan dan dirinya sendiri..." )

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Exotic Beaches of Bali

INDO 3 GP / VIDEO ( Link ) - Indonesia Hot Girl

High School Girl

Nice Love

Scandal campuses in JATINANGOR
Pass : sexypopular13

Sales Promotion Girl LIPSTICK

Recording Hot Video in GRESIK

Pass : sexypopular13

Student Academy of Nurse

Citizens arrested

Yvonne Bates, Female Fitness Competitor

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Beautiful Cambodian Female Fitness Competitor and Model Yvonne Bates.
Okay, Yvonne isn't just a fitness competitor and fitness model, she also has her personal trainer certification.
And she has an impressive list of competitions under her belt so to speak,

2003-1st place, Short Division, Gold Classic in Kansas City. 1st place, Short Division, NPC in Kansas City. 3rd place, Pro Division, WNBF World Championship in New York.
2004-2nd place, Natural American Classic in Austin, TX. 1st place, WNBF Northeast Classic in Worcester, MA. 1st place, Natural Caribbean Grand Prix in the Grand Cayman Islands, 2nd place, WNBF World Championship in New York City.
2005-2nd place, WNBF Pro Natural International and 7th place at the WNBF Pro Natural Northeast Figure Championships.
2006- 2nd place, WNBF Pro Natural Caribbean Figure Championships.
2007- 3rd place, WNBF Bluffs Classic Figure Championships and 4th place, Ms/Mr. International Kansas City Golds Classic.

You can visit her website for a lot more info and pictures here:

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ftree Big Skull and dragon tattoo in back body

Ftree Big Skull and dragon tattoo in back bodyFtree Big Skull and dragon tattoo in back body

Monday, December 22, 2008

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